2D Platformer

Initial Information

This is the first game I have started without having a direct tutorial for every step. I have it named 2d platformer because I am simply using it as a learning opportunity and I dont intend to have it become a full game. I am mainly using this to learn how unity 2d works and I have made all of the assets myself as alpha assets.

This was done on my own time outside of my school assignments for game design.




The first thing I am working on is getting my ground into the world and working properly, which I did without issue.

Next is adding the character and getting the physics to properly work on it, also without issue.

After that is on to getting the character to move and jump. Getting movement to work is fairly simple but I had some trouble with jumping for a minute. I mainly had trouble with getting the point on the player to properly see the ground and be able to identify it is on the ground.