Digital Art


To first preface, when I talk about world building, I am refering to creating fantasy worlds, whether it be slightly altered current worlds, old magic worlds, future cyberpunk worlds, I want to make the world relatively realistic with core changes based around these fantasy characteristics.

I consider world building to be a hobby but I am also exploiting my passion for world building to use it as a study project. I first got into world building when seeing youtube channels specifically about world building like Monster Garden and Tree Lancer. I might also use world building as a gateway to writing but I currently prefer the world building rather than making a story.

I am more into the technical or more realistic parts of world building,for instance, rather than just simply creating a map with whatever I want and just place landmarks anywhere. I prefer to actually do research into how those landmarks are formed in real life and then work from there. How are mountains formed? Where would deserts and marshes be most likely created? How would mountains affect the area around it? How were cities in the 1000's were managed? How did different currencies work? How much farmland would be needed for one person to survive on? What about different local goverment types? Questions like these are how I use the passion for making worlds to understand the real world and learn from it.


I currently use simple document recording apps like google docs or onenote, if I am not at my computer I will write in my notepad.

I also use World Anvil, a world managing website, to help with sorting and visualizing information.

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